Review: Simeon Barclay's England's Lost Camelot, Burlington Contemporary, September 2021
Film Review: John Smith's Citadel and Covid Messages, Art Monthly, June 2021
Commission - Essay Response to Faith is a Cascade by Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger at SEAGER, London, 2021
Commission - Press Release, Faith is a Cascade by Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger at SEAGER, London, 2021
Jerwood Writing Residency: Daddy Lessons, 2020
Jerwood Writing Residency: The Mother as Muse in Silvia Rosi’s Encounter, 2020
Jerwood Writing Residency: On Sleepwalking through Theo Simpson’s Landscapes, 2020
Review: Along Ecological Lines - Contemporary Art and the Climate Crisis, Art Monthly, 2020
Feature: The Hauntology of Austerity, Emotional Art Magazine, 2019
Review: Autonomy - The Social Ontology of Art Under Capitalism by Nicholas Brown, Art Monthly, 2020
Review: Carceral Capitalism by Jackie Wang, Art Monthly, 2019
Publication and Radio Broadcast: Assemble. Record. Proliferate. 2018